Pro Hairdresser Tries The Revlon One Step Hair Dryer (as seen on tiktok)

 Hi beautiful I've been seeing so many people on Tik Tok to using this Revlon blow dryer contraption thing brush and I'm very very intrigued by it.

I need to give it a try so of course i had to buy my own here we are so from that TikTok I saw this baby right here

seems to blow out your hair extremely easily

it looks like it practically takes no effort it's all just in one beautiful contraption that retails for comfort which is also super inexpensive this could truly be a game changer. if it works the way I wanted to I'm ready to try this and see if it works out see if it really can make some hair beautiful shiny silky soft like you just left the salon and let's see if this is worth purchasing let's do it.

Unboxing Revlon One Step Hair Drayer:-

so first we're gonna open the box then we're gonna try it on my clients for today we're going to do a smooth straight kind of beveled ends look and then we're going to do one with a lot of volume and a lot of body in it let's see what's going on here so

we have cool tip great don't care tangle

free combination bristles

uh unique airflow vents tufted bristles

with bore technology

board technology it's just funny because

like it's an animal like there's no

technology behind a bore lightweight ergonomic

design multiple heat settings

love that professional swivel cord

that's great too

it says it is designed in an oval to

give you extra lift smooth volume and

curled ends

okay work 30 less frizz advanced

ionic technology gives you the power to

create a salon-style of finish less

frizz for shiny healthy

looking hair ceramic technology helps

reduce damage from over

styling with even heat distribution

making styling easy

oh my god this is like magic and I am

excited to try it.

Size Of Revlon One Step Hair Dryer:-

it is a lot bigger in person as you can

see I have about an average size head

maybe a little bit larger than average

it's like big

it's like the size of my face it feels

good it's as sturdy

it's nice quality the bristles are very


there's a lot of them it has a matte

handle which I also like because when

you put products in your hair and then

you go and touch a

soft handle it like slips right out of

your hand seems to be a pretty

long cord uh okay well this cord

is not very long it's actually

quite short.

why would you make a cord this short

okay fine maybe if you have a connector

like right in front of you.

what if it's on the ground we're plugged

in we're ready to go

okay so it looks like the heat settings

are cool low and high you really got me

with that um.

multiple heat settings quote on your box

I thought it was gonna be like at least

low medium and high you know but

I'll take it to let's turn it on

this is low this is high

it definitely smells like burning

plastic um it also is quite loud I guess

that's fine.

How To Use Revlon One Step Hair Dryer 

if you are into loud blow dryers it's

not going to make me not want to use the

the product you know so now that we've

kind of figured out what's going on here

how to use it this also doesn't heat up

so you can really go like this with it

and like kind of put your fingers in

and like move like that you know I like

the way they did this kind of like a dip

in there obviously, this is meant to

really be used on your own head it's

gonna be a little bit different for me

because I'm not using it on my own head I think I'll still get a pretty good idea

if it works or not let's grab my first

client today who wana.

a straight blowout and I'm gonna give it

to her and here we have my client for

today she's got a beautiful shampoo for

my um.

my colleague is about to get the

blot of her dreams she said that she

only wears her hair straight so I said

perfect her hair tends to dry a little

wavy I know it looks very straight now

but it actually does dry quite wavy it's

just weighed down by the water in her


I am going to start the blow-dry on her

damp hair but first I'm going to apply

product because a product is super

important to get a really wonderful

beautiful blowout if you do not use

product and you blow out your hair

you're losing at life there's no point

because your bloat's never gonna look

that good without the proper products

so these two products are really my

go-to when it comes to a blow-drying

this is called force field heat shield

protects your hair up to 500 degrees

Fahrenheit and I'm gonna spray this

all over her hair in a fine mist this

will also help add a lot of shine so you get extra

shine with these two products and now

we're gonna put in a whole bunch of

electric green just like that you can always

build upon this you don't have to put

it all in at once and I'm just gonna put

it throughout her.

whole entire head that makes your hair

super soft and shiny

without weighing it down you can really

start on the ends focus on the driest

parts and then work it all the way


really get in those bangs everywhere you

want it to be shiny and smooth and silky

which is hopefully everywhere all right

now I'm just going to comb those two

products together and create a beautiful

cocktail of products and we're also going to see how this thing works with some bangs it is very large I don't know how it's really going to get these bangs in there without giving her a ton of volume but I guess

the brush is meant to give a lot of

volume so I guess it's fine I am going

to do my basic thing where I first section out wherever you want to part your hair

and then I'm going to do my wonderful

little halo circle section it's

literally just taking out a center

circle so it should look something like this it

is just the perimeter

all letdown and the rest is clipped up

in the back now the perimeter is always

the hardest part to blow dry it always

has the kinkiest curliness going on

and the edges are usually not straight

like the mannequin has it so we're gonna

work on those bits first and start in

the back and work our way forward

so I'm gonna go in and just brush it

first like that and I guess I'm just going to use kind of this motion kind of flatten it out

as much as possible and hold my hand on

it and then give a little bevel towards

the ends and let it go

that'll give me a really nice

straight look instead of curly I think

I'm going to turn on high.

I'm really shocked okay I expected

it to be pretty good from the videos i

saw but that was so easy it blow-dried the

hair so fast now I don't know if this is the

the best thing about your hair it gets really

hot if you're using a heat protectant

and you have you know a good combination of bristles

here you have the bore so it's going to

help distribute oils keep the integrity

of your hair without pulling too much i

do think it's

pretty damn good it got the hair so


and so straight so quickly and what I

was doing there I don't know if you saw

but I was actually putting it on top of

the hair and not just

underneath I feel like that helped

smooth the top out as well as the bottom

and it really worked very well

and it also gave the perfect amount of

bevel at the end so I'm gonna keep going

and then tell you guys how I feel when I get further in

it's really straight I'm giving a lot of

credit to this it is

extremely extreme it's really hot do not

touch it like I just did it's a little

concerning how hot it is

also though if you want your hair to be

this straight and you're gonna try this

on your own hair

please use the product it is not going to be

this straight unless you use the product I

swear to you it's not going to come out

this silky and soft so if you don't get

the same results you try it at home

without product don't say I didn't tell

you so.

it's obviously looking really good and I

have to say

it works well so far as you can see I'm

also doing zero elevation when I

use this that's why it's coming out

really flat if you don't want it flat

like this, you wouldn't go on the top of

the hair and push it down like I am i

want it to be super flat and straight

that's why I'm doing that if not you can

really take up the hair

and bring it all the way up here am I

getting as smooth of bloat as I would

if I was using a brush

and a blow dryer I don't know some of

this stuff like those layers coming out

right there.

I would have been able to like get them

down but with this the air is kind of

blowing everywhere so it's kind of

pushing all the hair

up as I'm kind of going down but it's

not the worst thing ever and it's super

user friendly so we are on the bang section

now we are going to try and give her

some side bangs you know we're gonna

take these pieces and kind of

pull them back this way however this

the brush is really big so I don't know-how

that's gonna work but let's go ahead and

try it I'm gonna put on low this time

okay so here are the bangs and obviously

they look pretty good what was cool

about this is that you can

literally use it as a brush and just

kind of brush the bangs

back after you blow-dry them and it

gives it a nice bevel and gets them out

of your face very nicely so

I really like that I think at the end.

once everything is blow-dried I'll

probably go back

and push them a little bit more further

back but they look pretty good

and for being just a one-size-fits-all

kind of brush I'm impressed

I'm just going to take this out section

this into

two and do about four more sections to

finish this

okay wow her hair is really really

straight there's literally no frizz

really impressed so far if you have

literally no experience

using a blow dryer and brush together

and doing the whole regular old thing

I understand why you would use something

like this, it makes everything just

so much easier it made her hair so pin

straight so beautiful

pretty much like she walked out of the

salon so I'm really enjoying it so far

let's move on to doing a beautiful wavy

voluminous blowout and let's see how it

performs with that

I'm sure it's gonna be just as good so

let's do it, okay my next client has

arrived hi ma'am how are you today

so she has her hair nice and washed and

damp and

this wonderful color she has going on is

kind of cool so first we're gonna be

putting some products in our hair of

course we're using electrified

to get a ton of volume in our hair this

stuff will literally

give you the most volume even if you've

never had volume in your entire life so

I'm just going to put this

all up at the crown of her head and in

the front

and just get that in there now it's very

lightweight but really packs a punch

and you're gonna get a ton of volume

from this product like I

a promise so I'm just kind of sectioning

out her roots and just getting it in

there with the comb now we don't have to

put all the product down here or

anything because you don't want volume

on your neck and if it looks all foamy

like this, it's totally fine

leave it like that it'll dry nicely now

we're going to spray a bit

of our field 

heat shield to get heat protection:-

and for the ends for added moisture

without weighing it down or use electric

rain moisture cream and that'll really

make sure her ends are super smooth and

silky and of course

comb it all through okay so the

sectioning we're gonna do for this

one is we're going to take this mohawk


I'm gonna be using some clips to clip up

her hair as I go

that way we can get some extra volume in

there and extra curls

so I've done the top section which is

just kind of this horseshoe shape up


and now I'm just going to section

everything else in half and you really

don't have to make your sections too

perfect or else you'll end up with like

lines from where you blew out so

sectioning with your hands is totally

al-Qaeda okay so we're gonna section

this out into two and these will be our

first two sections

let's go ahead and give this some nice


yes okay so as you can see here I went

like this

and really curled the hair over and over

again in order to get this

actual like the beautiful little movement we

got going here so to make this set in

a place like this I'm just going to take

these two sections

and clip them up let's move on

to the next section do the same exact


so I'm going to start off by just blow

drying the top really quick to get all

that moisture out and then I'm going to

go underneath.

I'm still obsessed I'm just gonna finish

this off um you guys saw what I just did

four sections two sections that were put

into one and now I'm just gonna separate

this one

up here into probably three and just get

it all blow-dried and

always lifting the sections up as high

as they can go

okay now I just tried the cool setting

and I do have to say the cool setting

doesn't work the bristles get

so hot that it takes so long to actually

cool the brush

down so it kind of just puts out less

hot air if you use the cool setting

after the hot

okay so I finished the blow dry as you

can see it's looking good so far

let's see what kind of bounce and volume

we got here

oh damn oh my god this

is so pretty.

oh my god look at this blowout um

yes 100 it's gonna be a yes okay she

looks incredible I mean like even if you

went like this like she probably looks

even better like it doesn't even go down

it's like

boop back up all right well I have come

to a conclusion

on this Revlon mechanism thing let me

share my findings with you

only to my client's goodbye and

let's move on okay

I think you guys can already tell how i

feel about this product i

love it you guys saw what we did say

what we accomplished with just this one


it made everything so much easier and so

much faster the blood went by

probably two times quicker than they

usually would and I just feel like it

was easier for me to just use

one arm instead of two and get them all

cranking and doing this

it's a great tool to have if you're

somebody who doesn't like signing their

hair and you want to be lazy with it but

you want it to look really good

this is for you so simple and so fast

I think it is priced at this product is a

wonderful price for this you're getting

a brush and a blow dryer

all in one for that and it's a really

great brush with a lot of bore and

plastic bristles.

that works superb and it detangles the

hair really nicely and very easily so

yes great price if you guys want to

purchase this or anything you saw in

today's video it'll be linked below for


definitely approve of this definitely

want to see the styles you guys create

with this

if you end up buying it and yeah Revlon

great job

I will be keeping this for myself if you.

if you want amazing hair care and

amazing hair color you can check out

Amazon it is linked below you can

shop the products we use in today's


Buy now

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